Golf is one of Scotland’s most beloved sports and favourite past times and it also has played such an integral part of this area’s history and makeup. For all of its glorious benefits both socially and for your long term health, there is no need for the Golf Injuries and pain that can be associated with it to become a part of your life as well.
Around the world, there are approximately 60 million people who take part in golf regularly throughout the year. Whilst there are no statistics on how many suffer from pain, there is a large percentage who do suffer, whether it is chronic or acute in nature. If this is occurring to you there is no reason for this to continue, and appropriate measures should be made to get this sorted.
As you already know golf, whilst a hard sports mentally & physically pain, it can take an even harder toll on your body. Whilst watching others with their golf swing, it’s not hard to see that it can cause a detrimental affect on your body, especially your spine. The most common injuries attributed to golf are back pain, golfers elbow, tennis elbow, shoulder pain, carpel tunnel syndrome, wrist impaction syndrome and plantar fasciitis, just to name a few.
Why do these injuries occur?
These injuries are very prevalent in the amateur golfing ranks, recreational golfers and in some instances professional golfers as well. This can be largely attributed to insufficient core strength and incorrect technique as well playing a large part of the problems.
Golf injuries are no different to other injuries in that they occur due to repetitive movement. This repetitive movement is also worsened due to the fact that only one side of the body is being used over and over again creating muscle, joint and biomechanical imbalance. Plus, it also doesn’t help that golfers also us their back as a hinge when bending forward to putt, placing more strain on this area.
Opening Hours:
Mon - 12pm -6pm
Tues - 8.30am - 1pm
Wed - 8.30am - 1pm
Thurs - 8.30am - 6pm
Fri: 8.30am -1pm
Saturday: 8am - 10pm
Sunday: Closed

How do you prevent this from happening?
Making sure you warm up properly
Possibly taking private lessons to improve technique
Using proper equipment, it’s best if it’s yours
Don’t play through Golf injuries, this will make it worse and further compound the injury
Correctly lifting and using your golf bags and clubs properly
Increasing your flexibility
Properly prescribed rehabilitative therapy
Getting regular chiropractic adjustments

How does chiropractic help?
Well as a chiropractor what we do is to first get you out of pain, but even if you have no pain you can still benefit from chiropractic. There are many ways in which we can help; first, we use the chiropractic adjustment which is designed to eradicate areas of spinal and joint restriction. As any golfer worth his salt knows a restricted swing is a bad swing, whilst a fluid swing is a beautiful thing to watch and it also helps with your handicap and more importantly saves you from further Golf injuries. We then further this up with specific rehabilitation that will help strengthen your weak areas which creates more efficient movement. We will also increase your flexibility, extending your limits on how far you can drive the ball which is more important than the strength and force you put through the clubs.
Whilst playing golf, it’s important that you have good fluid movement throughout as it’s one of the only sports where in one motion you must work every aspect of your body as a whole functional unit. If any portion of your body is not working together it decreases the fluidity of your swing meaning other body parts must pick up the strain that’s going through various parts of your body.
So if your muscles aren’t flexible enough and your joints aren’t moving correctly then your swing will be affected, as will your handicap and most importantly your overall health.